Documenting Your Burn Injuries: Steps to Take After an Accident

burn injury doctorIf you have been injured in a burn accident, you may be wondering if you can sue for compensation. This article will explore the topic of burn injury cases and provide some valuable insights into what you can expect.

Types of Burn Injuries

It’s important to understand what constitutes a burn injury. Burn injuries are classified into four categories, depending on the severity of the burn. 

  • First-degree burns are the mildest, affecting only the outer layer of skin.
  • Second-degree burns penetrate deeper into the skin, causing blisters and pain.
  • Third-degree burns are even more severe, damaging all layers of skin and possibly requiring skin grafts.
  • Fourth-degree burns are the most severe, potentially causing damage to the bone and tendons.

Steps to Take After a Burn Injury

If you have suffered a burn injury due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness, you may be entitled to compensation. However, it’s essential to take the correct steps to protect your health and potential legal claim. 

  1. Seek Medical Attention

You may require immediate medical assistance to minimize the long-term impact of your burn injury. However, no matter how severe your injury, you should err on the side of caution and be seen by doctors. This is the only way to help ensure your health issues are being dealt with the right way. Seeking medical attention right away can also help link the accident and your injury.

  1. Document Your Injuries

Injuries will change over time, especially burn injuries. If your case goes to trial, it may be months or years before a judge or jury evaluates the evidence. Your injuries may have healed during that time. For this reason, it is important to document your injuries.

Take pictures of your injuries as they progress and document each stage of healing. This will help the judge or jury get a better idea of your injuries and their severity. Your lawyer may also recommend that you keep a pain journal so that you keep track of how you were feeling while you were undergoing medical treatment and recovery.

  1. Contact A Lawyer 

A qualified burn lawyer can examine the specific circumstances surrounding your claim and determine the identity of potential defendants who intentionally or negligently contributed to your injuries. They can also investigate how the at-fault individual’s actions led to serious burn injuries and handle communication with him or her or the insurance company.

Compensation for Burn Injuries

It’s important to note that compensation for burn injuries can vary widely, depending on the type of damages you have suffered. A burn injury lawsuit may demand damages for the following:

  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement
  • Tissue Damage
  • Infection
  • Organ Failure
  • Circulation Problems
  • Failure of the Senses
  • Loss of Sensation
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Permanent Disability
  • Pain and Suffering 

An experienced burn injury lawyer can examine the facts of your case to determine the potential compensation you may be able to receive from your burn injury claim, including the fair value of each form of compensation.

Examples of Successful Burn Injury Cases

The most famous example of a successful burn injury case is the McDonald’s hot coffee case, where a woman was scalded by hot coffee that was served to her by an employee. She spilled the coffee on herself, which led to third-degree burns and the need to get skin grafts on her inner thighs and elsewhere. The company continued to serve the coffee at high temperatures despite being aware of several other reports of their coffee causing injuries. The jury found the company liable, and the woman was awarded millions in compensation.

Other situations where burn injury victims may be more likely to receive compensation include:

  • Employers who had employees work around dangerous chemicals without proper safety equipment
  • Individuals who intentionally started fires and injured people on the property
  • Motorists who caused accidents that led to thermal burns
  • Healthcare providers who caused radiation burns through the misuse of X-rays or radiation therapy
  • Manufacturers who negligently caused harm to consumers because of toxic ingredients.

Roden Law – Your Personal Injury Attorneys

If you or a loved one has been suffering from a burn injury due to the negligent actions of another, the skilled legal team at Roden Law can help. We will investigate your claim to determine who should be held accountable for the damages that you have suffered. Contact us today for a free consultation to determine if you have a viable claim.