Steps To Take After a Slip and Fall Injury

slip and fall cautionSlip and falls are a common occurrence that can either be minor or cause severe damage. If you have been badly injured in a slip and fall accident and you feel it could have been prevented with more warning or other actions by the property owner, you may be entitled to compensation.

Below, our Savannah slip and fall injury attorneys have outlined steps you can take following a slip and fall accident to document what happened and start building a case. We are here to assist with your claim – contact us for a free, no obligation consultation today.

Document the Scene of the Fall

Documenting the scene of the accident immediately after the accident occurs is a crucial step. Your memory can quickly fade, especially when dealing with an injury and the stress of the accident.

Write down every detail you remember about the accident. Take pictures of the accident scene as well as your injuries. Your photos should show the exact location where the fall occurred and the conditions that contributed to it, such as ice, uneven walkways, stairs and other possible hazards. Photograph any warning signs that alert patrons to possible dangers.

You should also keep the clothing and shoes you were wearing when the accident occurred. They may be used as evidence in your case.

Gather Witnesses

Witnesses can provide critical details about the accident you may not know that are helpful in establishing liability for your injuries. Ask them about what they saw and take notes.

It may not be possible to interview every witness immediately after the accident occurs. This is why you should gather the names, phone numbers, email addresses, and addresses of anyone who witnessed your accident and those who noticed the hazardous conditions that caused your accident. Gathering this contact information allows your lawyer to contact witnesses for their statements at a later time.

Seek Medical Treatment

Slip and fall accidents often result in serious injuries, and it is important to get medical treatment right away. Even if it does not appear that you suffered an injury, it is still important to be examined by a trained medical professional. Injuries may present symptoms hours or days after the accident, or you may have internal injuries that do not present any obvious physical symptoms.

Give your doctor all information you have about the circumstances that caused your slip and fall injury. Your doctor will record these details in your medical record, providing proper documentation of the cause of your injury.

Report the Accident

You should report the accident to the property owner. Notify the store manager, landlord, property owner or other person of authority before leaving the property. The appropriate party will make a report of the incident. Ask for a copy of the accident report, which you should keep with your records.

Consider Speaking With a Lawyer

Working with a skilled attorney after a slip and fall accident may be in your best interest. Attorneys with experience handling slip and fall cases know how to prove liability in these difficult cases, which will be hard to do on your own. Our Savannah personal injury lawyers have helped numerous victims receive the compensation they deserve for their medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. We will review your claim and if you have a viable case, we will work to recover the maximum compensation you deserve.

Schedule a free, no obligation consultation today and learn what legal options may be available in your situation. There are no upfront fees and payment is only owed if we recover compensation for you.