Is Workers’ Compensation An Employee Benefit?

For many people, making the decision to take a job is based on several factors – the nature of the job itself, the salary, and the benefits offered being three of the primary factors. When it comes to this last factor, benefits, what employers offer can vary considerably.

Often, we’re asked whether workers’ compensation is considered an employee benefit. Many wonder – do all employees receive workers’ compensation or is it a benefit only provided to some? That’s a valid question – and an important one. After all, most employees want to know that they are working in a safe environment, where they will receive compensation, treatment, and necessary care if injured on the job.


The short answer to the question of whether or not workers’ compensation is a “benefit” is yes – in the sense that it certainly benefits employees who need treatment and overage for injuries. Workers’ compensation is a benefits program created by virtue of state law and intended to provide compensation to covered employees, and in some cases, their dependents, after a work-related injury.

Unlike some other types of employee benefits, however, workers’ compensation isn’t an optional benefit. Essentially, when an employer obtains workers’ compensation coverage, that coverage applies to all employees, whether full or part-time. This means that an employee can’t opt-in or opt-out, as with a retirement fund, health insurance program, or other benefits. Workers’ compensation is provided to all – if the employer has coverage, then the employees have coverage as well.


Workers’ compensation benefits are intended for injuries that occur during the course and scope of one’s employment. This means that if you sustain an injury at work while performing your normal day-to-day job duties, you may qualify to receive a variety of workers’ compensation benefits. The benefits you may potentially be eligible to receive include:

  • Temporary total and temporary partial disability benefits;
  • Permanent total and permanent partial disability benefits;
  • Medical benefits;
  • Rehabilitation benefits;
  • Benefits for lost earnings or anticipated lost future earnings;
  • Death benefits;
  • Various other benefits depending upon the unique circumstances of each case.

While this is a general overview of which injuries might qualify and what benefits might be available, it’s important to remember that each and every case will be slightly different. As a result, it will be essential to find and retain a legal team that understands the law and can help to ensure that you pursue all benefits you might be entitled to. Having the right legal team on your side can make all the difference – and at Roden Law, we’re here for you.


If you are suffering from a work-related injury, you need and deserve compensation and reassurance that you will not suffer financially while you focus on your recovery. At Roden Law, we understand that worrying about legal matters in addition to trying to heal from an injury can be overwhelming. We’re here to help take some of that stress away. Let our talented, knowledgeable, and experienced team of workers’ compensation attorneys focus on pursuing your case, so that you focus on moving forward toward a better and brighter chapter ahead. If you’re ready to get started, we are too. Give us a call. We look forward to speaking with you soon.